Akhiran -s : Kata jamak umumnya dibuat dengan menambahkan -s di belakang kata benda yang bersangkutan. Misalnya:
Cat – cats, tree – trees, building – buildings.
Cat – cats, tree – trees, building – buildings.
Ada beberapa pengecualian untuk kaidah ini, berikut beberapa contoh yang paling umum.
Akhiran -es : Kata benda yang diakhiri dengan huruf -o, -s, -x, -z, -ch, dan -sh biasanya ditambahkan -es di belakang kata. Misalnya:
tomatoes, dresses, foxes, quizzes, watches, stashes.
tomatoes, dresses, foxes, quizzes, watches, stashes.
Akhiran -ies : Pada kata benda yang diakhiri dengan huruf kosonan dan -y, huruf -y biasanya diganti dengan -ies. Misalnya:
Country – countries, party – parties.
Country – countries, party – parties.
Akhiran -ves : Pada kata benda yang diakhiri dengan huruf -f, huruf -f biasanya digantikan dengan -ves. Misalnya:
wife – wives, knife, knives, elf – elves.
wife – wives, knife, knives, elf – elves.
Seperti biasanya, mengingat kaidah-kaidah ini kemungkinan kurang membantu dan jauh kurang menarik dibanding dengan penggunaan langsung dalam praktik dan sekaligus mempelajarinya. Siapkan sedikit waktu untuk latihan.
Contoh penggunaan dalam percakapan
1) What’s on your shopping list?
4 tomatoes, some carrots, 2 kilos of potatoes, 6 oranges, some cherries, 2 bottles of grape juice, a box of strawberries, 6 bottles of water, and some chicken. What about you?
Er, 5 pizzas and some soda.
Let’s go to the supermarket together. You need help!
4 tomatoes, some carrots, 2 kilos of potatoes, 6 oranges, some cherries, 2 bottles of grape juice, a box of strawberries, 6 bottles of water, and some chicken. What about you?
Er, 5 pizzas and some soda.
Let’s go to the supermarket together. You need help!
2) I need some new clothes.
Me too, I need some trousers and shirts.
I need shoes, a couple of scarves for winter, and two dresses.
So let’s go shopping this afternoon.
Good idea!
Me too, I need some trousers and shirts.
I need shoes, a couple of scarves for winter, and two dresses.
So let’s go shopping this afternoon.
Good idea!
3) What do we need for tonight?
We need french fries, burgers, and some soda.
How about some fruit and potato chips?
OK, sounds great.
We need french fries, burgers, and some soda.
How about some fruit and potato chips?
OK, sounds great.
Kosa kata baru:
Shopping = belanja list = daftar tomatoes = tomat carrots = wortel kilo = kilo potatoes = kentang oranges = jeruk cherries = buah cherry bottle = botol grape = anggur juice = jus box = kotak strawberries = stroberi water = air pizza = pizza soda = soda | Supermarket = supermarket need = butuh new clothes = pakaian baru trousers = celana panjang shirt = baju kaos shoes = sepatu couple = pasangan scarf = selendang scarves = selandang (jamak) winter = musim dingin dress = pakaian this = ini good idea = ide yang bagus tonight = malam ini potato chips = kerupuk kentang |
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